Author: Don Brown, 2008, FlashPoint (Roaring Brook Press)
Bluestem Award - Illinois (2012)

On the evening of April 14, 2012, the world will recognize that 100 years have passed sinced the
Titanic began to sink in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This book accurately portrays the events surrounding that fateful journey by allowing the reader to visualize exactly what happened. The author uses direct quotations from passengers and crew members who lived to tell a tale of horror, distress, sadness, and for some, survival. The illustrations, most likely created by the author himself, give a brief glimpse into the lives of
Titanic passengers. Some were prestigious and well-to-do; some were "poor, yet ambitious," traveling to America as immigrants at the beginning of a new century. The pictures show men, women, and children of all different classes enjoying the amenities of a world-class luxury liner.
But that luxury liner would never make it to America. The
Titanic would hit an iceberg and sink two miles beneath the ocean's surface. I enjoyed when the author mentioned specific people who were traveling on the ship. For example, Isidor and Ida Straus, owners of Macy's Department Store, were ones who unfortunately perished. This was new information to me. I enjoy shopping at Macy's, and I had no idea that the owners of an iconic American store were part of the
Titanic's guest list. This is proof that literature work for children can be more than entertainment: It can be factual.
Children of all ages will enjoy reading this book. I would even venture to say that adults will like it too. Instead of probing through countless sources of information to find out the gist of what happened aboard the
Titanic on April 14-15, 1912, one could start with this truthful, accurate account in a very interesting place: A children's book.